Chabad of SLO & Cal Poly Hebrew SchoolFor Hebrew School information and other educational opportunities, please reach out individually to Rabbi Chaim Hilel at [email protected].
Etz Chayim Religious School at Temple Beth ElThe Etz Chayim Religious School at Temple Beth El (in Santa Maria) is happening via Zoom!
*Please NOTE: All children and adults are required to wear face masks, regardless of vaccination status.* All school-aged children are welcome to join in on the fun! Please contact Education Chair, Amber Medina, at [email protected] to learn more and join the Etz Chayim Facebook group and school. |
Torah School at Congregation Ohr TzafonThe Jewish Sages teach us that the world stands on three things:
1. Torah/Study 2. Avodah/Sacred Service 3. G'milut Chasadim/Acts of Lovingkindness (Avot 1:2) Our religious school stands on the same foundation. 2020 - 2021 brought virtual learning for our students due to the pandemic. But as we recognize that the best way for our children to learn is in-person, we will shift to in person learning as soon as it is safe and advisable to do so, hopefully Fall, 2021. We would love to have your children learn with us. Contact our Education Director or the COT office 805-466-0329 to enroll. |