The sun is finally out and summer is just around the corner! Here at the JCC-Federation of SLO that means it’s time for us to spring clean and start preparing for our summer camp, Camp Shoreshim!
Camp Shoreshim is a 2-week outdoor day-camp experience fostering a close relationship with peers, the natural landscape and farm animals. Camp Shoreshim is on the JCC bucolic 10-acre property and welcomes campers 4*-13. The 2023 camp theme is “Ancient Hebrew Village." Campers will be building a small village and working together to learn and thrive as a community. Camp Shoreshim welcomes families of all orientations, ethnicities, backgrounds and religions.
Sponsorships are vital for the JCC to continue offering Camp Shoreshim every summer. Your help is needed to create this space for our youth to build connections and thrive. Sponsorships go directly to support the camp's infrastructure and management.
We are offering three levels of camp sponsorships in 2023. It's a wonderful opportunity to promote local business and organizations while giving kids the chance to learn and flourish. Individuals are also welcome to sponsor Camp Shoreshim! Similar to past Film Festivals, we welcome sponsorships from businesses and individuals.