2012 JCCSLO Speakers Bureau
April 15 - Katcho Achadjian on Israel
April 19 - Holocaust Remembrance Program featuring local residents:
Bianca Rosenthal & Irving Klein
Thank you to the hundreds of community members for coming to the 2012 Holocaust Remembrance Program. If you didn't hear Bianca and Irving talk, please read/watch/listen to our local coverage:
KCOY interview with Bianca Rosenthal
Dave Congalton with Irving Klein
Santa Maria Times/Times Press Recorder
Tribune "Times Past" columns
May 10, 17, 24: Rereading the Bible: An Introduction to Feminist Interpretation by Barbara Rosenthal
To be announced: MCLE credit Speakers Program
Missed the December 2011 MCLE?
Watch it here for free.
"Moses to Madison: Jewish Influences on American Law"
April 19 - Holocaust Remembrance Program featuring local residents:
Bianca Rosenthal & Irving Klein
Thank you to the hundreds of community members for coming to the 2012 Holocaust Remembrance Program. If you didn't hear Bianca and Irving talk, please read/watch/listen to our local coverage:
KCOY interview with Bianca Rosenthal
Dave Congalton with Irving Klein
Santa Maria Times/Times Press Recorder
Tribune "Times Past" columns
May 10, 17, 24: Rereading the Bible: An Introduction to Feminist Interpretation by Barbara Rosenthal
To be announced: MCLE credit Speakers Program
Missed the December 2011 MCLE?
Watch it here for free.
"Moses to Madison: Jewish Influences on American Law"
2011 JCCSLO Speakers Series
Sirak Sebhat at the SLOJFF, January 23, 7pm at the Palm Theatre Sirak Sehbat is an Ethiopian Jew. In 1991, his family left for Israel, through "Operation Solomon" in which 15,000 Ethiopian Jews were brought to Israel in 3 days. Sirak will tell his mesmerizing life story, and relay what it is like to be an Ethiopian Jew in Israel.
Sirak will talk before the screening of his film ‘Live and Become,’ a part of the San Luis Obispo Jewish Film Festival at the Palm Theatre in San Luis Obispo. |
Sheilah Kaufman, “The Sweet Tale of Jews and Chocolate” February 13, 3pm at Salisbury Winery
Helena 2 years after recovering in Swedish hospital
Holocaust survivor, Helena Weinrauch
Dan Davis, local historian of Modern Israel
Fred Friedman at Boo Boo Records
Fred Friedman on "Jews and Jazz"
Rabbi Janice Mehring on One Rabbi’s Interfaith Journey
Sunday, Sept. 18, 4pm at Steyberg Gallery in SLO Followed by: Beyond the December Dilemma: A Workshop for Parents/Grandparents of Interfaith Couples (December 8, 7:30pm at the SLO County/City Library) “Enlarge the size of your tent and extend the size of your dwelling. Spare not! Lengthen the ropes and drive the pegs firm”…. (Isaiah 54:2) Join Rabbi Janice Mehring as she shares her thoughts on intermarriage and raising children in intermarried families. Her experience as an educator and a rabbi affirm that the family is more whole and the community strengthened when we welcome everyone within the tent. When we follow the universal principle, expressed in Genesis, that every individual is intrinsically sacred and created b’tzelem Elohim – in the image of God – we must embrace every person in our community as holy and accepted |
Jon-Erik Storm
Moses to Madison: Jewish Influences on American Law December 7, 12pm-1pm The Madonna Inn, The Round Room This lecture will cover the ways traditional Jewish law has shaped American law, including Constitutional principles. This study will help practitioners and others interested understand current law at a deeper level. Includes discussion of influences and conflicts of Jewish law on the California Rules of Professional Conduct. Cost: $30 ($25 JCCSLO members). Includes lunch. .75 hours of MCLE general credit and .25 hours of ethics credit. Open to everyone, including non-lawyers. |